MV 10C EX VARIOChemistry diaphragm pump


  • full advantage of ATEX chemistry diaphragm pumps
  • VARIO®: short process times due to hysteresis-free VARIO® vacuum control
  • VARIO®: VARIO® pump operates on demand only as fast as necessary – minimal power consumption, extended maintenance intervals, silent operation
  • VARIO®: Vacuum controller VACUU·SELECT (optional) for precise vacuum control and fully automatic processes
  • Additional devices such as ATEX vacuum sensor and Connection Box 100 required for operation - also available from VACUUBRAND

Ultimate vacuum

2 mbar

Ultimate vacuum with gas ballast

10 mbar

Max. pumping speed 50 Hz

8.1 m3/h

Upon Request ₹999,999.99


Chemistry diaphragm pump in action

With the new ATEX VARIO® chemistry diaphragm pumps and vacuum systems, the vacuum can be precisely controlled by the motor speed. The VARIO® pump is driven by an additional control signal line. The optional vacuum controller VACUU·SELECT with ATEX vacuum sensor and Connection Box 100 enable fully automatic evaporations without the need for parameter settings or user programming. With the adaptive control it finds the boiling pressure independently and adjusts the vacuum continuously and optimally according to the vapor pressure. The vacuum controller and the Connection Box 100 are installed in a non-hazardous area.

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Technical data and graphs

Max. pumping speed 50 Hz 8.1 m3/h
Ultimate vacuum 2 mbar / 1.5 torr
Ultimate vacuum with gas ballast 10 mbar / 7.5 torr
Number of heads 8
Number of stages 4
Vacuum controller without controller
Lower ambient temperature (operation) 10 °C
Upper ambient temperature (operation) 40 °C
Lower ambient temperature (storage) -10 °C
Upper ambient temperature (storage) 60 °C
Max. back pressure (abs.) 1.1 bar
Inlet connection small flange KF DN 25
Outlet connection small flange KF DN 16
Rated motor power 0.5 kW
Minimum motor speed VARIO in min-1 30 min-1
Maximum motor speed VARIO in min-1 1500 min-1
Protection class IEC 60529 IP 54
Dimension L in mm 560 mm
Dimension B in mm 457 mm
Dimension H in mm 410 mm
Weight 61 kg
Noise (sound pressure level) in dBA at 50 Hz or 1500 rpm/62% (VARIO)/1500 rpm (VARIO-SP)/12500 Upm (VACUU·PURE®) 42 dBA
ATEX conformity Pumping chamber (pumped gases): II 2G Ex h IIC T3 Gb X, Environment with inert purge gas: II 2G Ex h IIB T4 Gb X, Environment without inert purge gas: II 3G Ex h IIB T4 Gc X, Motor: II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb
NRTL certification No
Items supplied Pump with two motors (with control and mains cables at each of the two motors) completely mounted, with manual. Speed control via 4-20 mA current loop (4 mA = 0 rpm, 20mA = 1500 rpm). Control signal and mains cable length 10 m, without plugs. Additional devices are required for operation, such as a connection box and controller.
Rated mains voltage range 1 230 V
Mains frequency 1 50 Hz

vac_pumpingcurve50 für Zoom klicken

Pump down graph 50 Hz (100 l volume)


Chemistry diaphragm pump MV 10C EX VARIOfour stage, 230 V / 50 Hzwith ATEX approval:pumping chamber (pumped gases):II 2G Ex h IIC T3 Gb Xenvironment (without inert purge gas):II 3G Ex h IIB T4 Gc Xenvironment (with i
Chemistry diaphragm pump
Technical data sheet
Data sheet PDF 3 MB 3 MB 3 MB 3 MB 3.1 MB
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Manual vacuum pump
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Related Products

Chemistry diaphragm pump in action

With the new ATEX VARIO® chemistry diaphragm pumps and vacuum systems, the vacuum can be precisely controlled by the motor speed. The VARIO® pump is driven by an additional control signal line. The optional vacuum controller VACUU·SELECT with ATEX vacuum sensor and Connection Box 100 enable fully automatic evaporations without the need for parameter settings or user programming. With the adaptive control it finds the boiling pressure independently and adjusts the vacuum continuously and optimally according to the vapor pressure. The vacuum controller and the Connection Box 100 are installed in a non-hazardous area.

Information on the disposal of old devices »

Technical data and graphs

Max. pumping speed 50 Hz 8.1 m3/h
Ultimate vacuum 2 mbar / 1.5 torr
Ultimate vacuum with gas ballast 10 mbar / 7.5 torr
Number of heads 8
Number of stages 4
Vacuum controller without controller
Lower ambient temperature (operation) 10 °C
Upper ambient temperature (operation) 40 °C
Lower ambient temperature (storage) -10 °C
Upper ambient temperature (storage) 60 °C
Max. back pressure (abs.) 1.1 bar
Inlet connection small flange KF DN 25
Outlet connection small flange KF DN 16
Rated motor power 0.5 kW
Minimum motor speed VARIO in min-1 30 min-1
Maximum motor speed VARIO in min-1 1500 min-1
Protection class IEC 60529 IP 54
Dimension L in mm 560 mm
Dimension B in mm 457 mm
Dimension H in mm 410 mm
Weight 61 kg
Noise (sound pressure level) in dBA at 50 Hz or 1500 rpm/62% (VARIO)/1500 rpm (VARIO-SP)/12500 Upm (VACUU·PURE®) 42 dBA
ATEX conformity Pumping chamber (pumped gases): II 2G Ex h IIC T3 Gb X, Environment with inert purge gas: II 2G Ex h IIB T4 Gb X, Environment without inert purge gas: II 3G Ex h IIB T4 Gc X, Motor: II 2G Ex db IIB T4 Gb
NRTL certification No
Items supplied Pump with two motors (with control and mains cables at each of the two motors) completely mounted, with manual. Speed control via 4-20 mA current loop (4 mA = 0 rpm, 20mA = 1500 rpm). Control signal and mains cable length 10 m, without plugs. Additional devices are required for operation, such as a connection box and controller.
Rated mains voltage range 1 230 V
Mains frequency 1 50 Hz

vac_pumpingcurve50 für Zoom klicken

Pump down graph 50 Hz (100 l volume)


Chemistry diaphragm pump MV 10C EX VARIOfour stage, 230 V / 50 Hzwith ATEX approval:pumping chamber (pumped gases):II 2G Ex h IIC T3 Gb Xenvironment (without inert purge gas):II 3G Ex h IIB T4 Gc Xenvironment (with i
Chemistry diaphragm pump
Technical data sheet
Data sheet PDF 3 MB 3 MB 3 MB 3 MB 3.1 MB
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Manual vacuum pump
Manual PDF 3.5 MB 8.1 MB 7.9 MB 8.3 MB
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